Thread: Starting 90gal
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Old 11-19-2007, 02:23 AM
Rumika Rumika is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: East of calgary
Posts: 34
Rumika is on a distinguished road
Smile Starting 90gal

Finally get to start changing over my 90gal to SW. Received my new light fixture on Saturday. I purchased the I-4 Solaris 15k fixture. I am very excited about this, I just hope that it meets or exceedes my expectations especially because of the cost. I have also purchased the Mini Red Dragon Pump and the ATI Bubble Master skimmer. Sump needed a few adjustments but I think it should all work now.

Need to get all the supplies for the plumbing and we should be good to go. I also need to get some water motion devices. I think I might go with Koralias for now until my pocket book has a chance to re-coop, then I would like to purchase some Tunzes.

If anyone has any suggestions or recommendations would love to here them. I am also a NEWBIE.
Will add pictures as we get things going.
29gal Nano, 90 gal Bowfront started Dec 2007, Solaris I-4, ATI Bubblemaster, Red Dragon Pump.
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