Originally Posted by bassman
I was told to never use soft water in a aquarium. It removes too many minerals. This will cause your water to draw these minerals from other sources, such as pumps.
My house is on a well too. I filter the water when it enters the house with a cannister filter, then I tee off for my RO unit before the water softener.
It's hard to tell from your post but it kind of sounds like your drinking water is softened as well? It is not recommended to drink soft water, for the same reasons. Your body needs those minerals.
Just me 2 cents, please feel free to correct me. I am by no means an expert. LOL
I never used soft water in the tank, as it ran through the ro unit first. Soft water is much easier on an ro membrane than the hard cold well water, which is murder on them. An ro/di removes everything from the water anyways, so not sure what you mean regarding the soft water removing minerals.
As a matter of fact I never filtered enough. I never ran a post di then. Big mistake as the high alk. of the well water, which a di removes, often screwed up my levels when mixed with Instant Ocean salt.
No soft water was used for human consumption, as it was passed through the ro before going to the fridge and sink. Pure soft water was teed to the rest of the house.
This was the suggested procedure. We once had a long thread on it on the chemistry forum at RC, and someone brought up similar points to you but Randy agreed with the way I have mentioned here.
I to am not an expert but just relating my experience. Perhaps someone who works in this field can add more. I have often wondered how the thousands of country folks who run water softeners and have no idea what an ro unit even is, get their drinking water. When I asked out in the country, they said they just drank it from the tap. Something I would not do also.