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Old 11-17-2007, 06:31 PM
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Myka Myka is offline
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Originally Posted by Buddyboy View Post
Well, I thought about going with a Mag pump, but for the extra $30, I think the reliability and peace of mind is worth it!

In any case, it sounds like the 1250 might be a go??? That would be roughly 3x turnover. And what about that? Some people say 2x turnover is sufficient and some say 10x!!! I'm confused!
Through some "technical math equation" the "perfect" turnover is 6.1x for a reef. This will pass 99.9% of the tank water through your sump every 24 hours. I have ~7x turnover on my reef (the closest to 6.1 I could get). Many people with FO or FOWLR like 10x turnover, but it is really considered a waste of electricity.
~ Mindy

SPS fanatic.

Last edited by Myka; 11-17-2007 at 06:38 PM.
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