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Old 11-15-2007, 11:35 PM
Big Al's BC Big Al's BC is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Burnaby/Richmond
Posts: 53
Big Al's BC is on a distinguished road

Catherine and Sarah,
Helfrichi Firefish are generally collected at around 250 feet. They come mainly from the Marshall islands, Tonga, Tahihi and occasionally Vanuatu. Safe dive limits are 220 feet, which means divers collecting these fish are risking their lives. That is the reason they are expensive. Price varies slightly depending on which of these areas they are collected from. One of us has two in a 14 gallon Bio cube. They have been in there happily for 4 months. One is more dominant than the other and occasionaly nips, but no damage. They are full grown. Healthy specimens are as hardy as other firefish species and are found in pairs.

Big Al's BC
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