I switched about 3.5 moth ago and like it so far.
SPS color is very good. I can see the difference from 2x96Watt PC i had before.
I had brown miliporah SPS frag for long time it turned back to pink (very nice strong bright pink)
The other one (SPS frag) that was brown is dark green now, i also have bright red SPS frag that i got about two month ago and i already fragged it.
So i can say Yes to T5 (I got 36" long TEK T5 x6 bulbs , 39Watts each).
Bulbs are:
two pink "ProColor" K color unknown i think 6k but maight be even 3K.
one white 14 K ATI
two 60%blue 40%actinic bulbs ATI.
Overall coral growth is good i had to sell leather coral and some other because of space issues, SPS growth is not fast but noticeble good enough to enjoy it without a lot of fragging.
I also have light green with teal polyps leather and it had very hard time adjusting to that much more light compare to PC's. I had to move it few times and it is happy now in the corner where is less light.
Mushrooms do Not like that much light; open but not as wide. Rics OK but i think too much light also had to relocate to the side.
The only LPS i have is green torch and green frog spawn both, but i think i have too much flow for them in my tank and might be selling these corals soon..
I am not good with photography , but if anyone wants to come over and see this light fixture you are welcome.