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Old 11-14-2007, 02:27 AM
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kwirky kwirky is offline
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Default Woe to the guitar hero 3 player

My xbox 360's defunct. Waiting for microsoft to ship me a box so I can send it for repair. 3-5 business days to recieve the box. 3-5 business days for it to ship to microsoft. 3-4 "business weeks" for the repair. another 3-5 business days to recieve it.

That's 42-49 real days for the repair. And they're only going to give me one month of xbox live gold for free. what a rip.

I was getting real good at guitar hero 3 too. Finished about 30 of the songs on expert.

My supernintendo was bulletproof, the ps2 is getting close to 7 years old and my ps3 has had more use than the 360. The controller that came with the 360 originally was dead 2 days after it's 90 day warranty too...

Microsoft FTW!!!1

sexy gates not included
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