Thread: Aptasia remover
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Old 11-12-2007, 09:47 PM
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one guy used a soldering torch like you buy at Canadian Tire or The Source (radioscrap). They're tiny and usually about like $10.

for aiptasia I used joe's juice to kill individual polyps and it kept them under control. I turned off my pumps for 15 minutes before hand, then completely smothered them in joe's juice. left the pumps off for another 15 minutes... sucked out the joe's juice with a big syringe taking the majority of the aiptasia polyp guts with it. Sucking out the aiptasia guts with the joe's juice afterwards is the important step, along with leaving the pumps off so you're not spreading aiptasia and joe's juice all over your tank.

worked well for me

but hydroids I never had so don't know how to deal with those
Everything I put in my tank is fully dependant on me.
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