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Old 11-12-2007, 04:25 PM
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andresont andresont is offline
Join Date: Mar 2005
Location: Port Moody, BC.
Posts: 594
andresont is on a distinguished road

Every war is a lie; starting from day zero. There is no enemy only what poor soldiers were “told” that there is.
War is not a solution it’s a problem.
How about those who were killed on the other side will we remember them ?

Call me any name you want; I would NEVER put a sign of bloody murder on, this is something we need to forget not to remember.

I feel for veterans and my grand father was one, but I think we should get on the next level of conscience and stop the killings of ALL life on this beautiful planet.

I am typing this and my hands are shaking.

I have been to many countries including Middle and Far East. People are same everywhere, we are Not different.
There is no reason to kill anybody.

With respect to everybody; I understand and apologize if there is difference in opinions.
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