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Old 11-10-2007, 01:44 AM
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Aqua-Digital Aqua-Digital is offline
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The cheapest option is to use the little interface that GHL make, this little box comes with the western lead you require to connect to the profilux, on the other side of the box are screw terminals. which feed the 1-10V interface. But the downside of this option is that it will not turn you lights completely off at 0V, this is caled 0V switching. To over come this you will need to have the lights on a timer that switch the power off at the same time as the ProfiLux dims the lights to the minmum setting.

But the best option is the EVG-AP card, this does all the above in one card, it has relays on it that sense the 0 Volt and then switches the power off, so with this card the 1-10V wires through it interfacing the ProfiLux with the ballasts but also acts as you 0V switching devise, eliminating the need for external timers
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