I have this theory about condo boards and neighborhood associations. You take somebody who is marginalized at work, unlucky in social situations etc and then elect them to a "position of influence" and they turn into these passive aggressive little attack bots that live to mess with other people. Normal well adjusted people have better thing to do with their lives. It probably explains politics at any level really.
I was renting a condo from a guy a few years ago at 16 st and 14ave SW. As a mere renter I had no input into the rules and the guy that owned the unit didn't have time for this BS as he had a life or something. So I get a notice that I will be fined if I continue to keep my bike on the balcony because it makes the building look trashy. We're talking about the balcony over the unpaved alley complete with crack heads, glue sniffers, overflowing dumpsters, a broken down 83 Yugo with 3 wheels and five couches in the parking lot across the way. My expensive mountain bike chained up on the balcony makes it look "trashy".
As much as it pains me to say it Albert your friend probably won't get out of this unscathed. A note from a condo lawyer like others suggested will probably get that fine down to something reasonable but she's got to give a little for the losers to save face. If she doesn't they're going to be after her for anything they can take a stab at.