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Old 11-08-2007, 04:18 PM
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Slick Fork Slick Fork is offline
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Red Deer, Alberta
Posts: 631
Slick Fork is on a distinguished road

If she owns the condo, she probably signed something agreeing to the condo corporation by-laws. That makes it a tough argument to get it completely thrown out. If the Condo corporation is convinced that she knowingly broke the rules, the chances of her getting away with this are pretty slim. Her best bet will be to try to appeal to the corporation and try to reduce the fine.

Now, this 130 days of cat ownership... did they arrive at that time by looking at her first catsitting offence and deciding that because she had a cat 130 days ago and has a cat now that she must have had a cat for the full 130 days? If so, one could try to prove that she was only babysitting the first cat for a few days and in doing so cast doubt on the amount of time that the second cat has been in the apartment, opening the door for a reduction of the fine.

Either way, if she's going to appeal to the board for a reduction or leniency the first thing she has to do is get rid of that cat. There is no way they will believe that she is sincere about regretting her decision to pick up that cat if she still has it and refuses to get rid of it.
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