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Old 11-08-2007, 03:58 PM
albert_dao albert_dao is offline
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Originally Posted by Der_Iron_Chef View Post
She should really take a close look at her Tenant's Agreement. Things can get complicated if the condominium corporation has its own bylaws that govern things like no-pet clauses, etc. The issue may not even be the landlord's, but the condo corporation's. These facts would be good to know.

I'm unsure as to the $6500 amount. It seems rather arbitrary. Who is telling her this is what she must pay and why? Was this number included in the "fine print"? If anything, I would think she would be served an eviction notice (at a minimum of 14 days, not including the day of notice or the day of eviction).

Try calling Service Alberta (1-877-427-4088).

Will do, thanks Drew!
This and that.
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