I don't have the answer but jumping in here because I have the same problem with an alkalinity that's way too high. And one thing we have in common is that we're using pickling lime. However one thing that might be different is that I have both a kalk reactor and a calcium reactor online. I don't have the high alk without the kalk reactor, so I'm sort of leaning towards wondering if that's the cause. I have not tried running with just the kalk reactor to see if it's enough on it's own to have alk too high.
I should mention that I was using Salifert to test and I was wondering about the test kit, however when I used it all up I went and bought an Elos - Elos measures in dKH not meq/l, but the results were consistent (4meq/l or 12dKH in my case). So I guess in my case the test kit was fine.
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!