If I was to purhase one.. I would only keep the one clown that much I know. I had a rough experience with my first clownfish when I bought two youngsters together. The one quickly attacked the other.. to death I might add... I followed the rule of thumb and bought to juvinelle fish. Perhaps it was a territory thing... the one that was left became a really great pet for the next 5 years though!
I did not realize that Maroons were into making dust storms. My "sand" bed is similar to a gravel size in grade. Every so often I give it a stir to losen up any food or stuff so that it can be filtered out. A fish that would do that for me would rock lol!
Reading above I would hate for a fish to move things around in my tank.. so if I add in some mushrooms and zoos.. would a Maroon be tempted to move them where it thinks they should go? Well it stilll be comfortable without something to host in.. I do have plenty of LR..
Seashells.. is your coral beauty an angel then..? If so how does it do with your coral if you have any? I am looking into getting one.. but I want to keep mushrooms and zoos.. not sure if an Angel would eat them.. I hear they can be touchy about being in reef tanks.. though I hear Lamarcks are reef safe as well as a few others.
Thanks guys!