Thread: Maroon Clown?
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Old 11-07-2007, 01:50 AM
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DanG DanG is offline
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I have a 3 inch maroon, no problems with other tank mates, but as mentioned, it's not your tank anymore.
They are agressive, very agressive towards anything foreign in the tank. Mine never has a problem when the fox face or chromis are hanging out near any of the BTA's in the tank, but as soon as my hand is in there, be careful.
The maroon is also the reason I've gone barebottom in my new tank, too many sand storms. They're also fairly hard to pair, if you had planned on keeping 2 of them.

That being said, they are gorgeous fish and will naturally host in BTA's, so if you want to have the whole symbiotic relationship thing happening, they're an easy pair.
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