In my tank, I have a 6055, 6045, and a Koralia 3. I absolutely love the 6055 and would buy another in a heartbeat.
The Koralia was a door prize, if I were buying, I'd have gone with a 4. That being said it's a great powerhead, no issues with it whatsoever since July. I AM a little nervous with the Koralia on 1/2" glass. The magnet just doesn't feel strong enough to inspire a whole lot of confidence. I haven't had it slip yet but find myself checking on it more than I'd like. Also, compared to the tunze setup I find it irritating that although I have a magnet, I still have to get my arms wet to reposition the pump. With the Tunze pumps I just drag the outside magnet around and the powerhead follows.
The 6045 I have mixed feelings on. The stream is a little more concentrated than the Koralia and that's a good fit for my tank (5ft long) as it has a better reach. It's an unfair comparison though because I'm comparing an 800ish gph pump in the Koralia with a 1200ish GPH pump in the Tunze. I'd like to be able to compare apples to apples! For the longest time, I was unaffected by the no-start, backwards start issues that others were having but they are starting to pop up on this one now as well. (running since the end of may).