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Old 11-04-2007, 12:14 AM
Swordtail Swordtail is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Port Coquitlam
Posts: 7
Swordtail is on a distinguished road

If you live in the Vancouver area there are 2 places you can go.

1. The Letter Carrier

They are in Point Roberts.You don't need an account with them to use there service.No need to wait in line,just park your car on the canadian side walk to customs and to the letter carrier (1.5 block) and you'll be back on the canadian side in 10 minutes.Check there web site.

2. Security Mail Services

They are in Blaine.You need to open an acount with them in person b4 you can use there service (10 bucks).Expect long line ups to cross the border.Check ther web site for more info.

There is no custom brokeage fee,they charge by weight (a few bucks for under 70 lbs.
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