I started keeping FW (33 and 90 gallon) in 91' until 97' when I moved away for college. Started back up a year after I moved back to Vancouver, in 02'.
From there I hit the hobby hard, having run 14 smaller tanks ranging from 10-125 gallons and eventually having a fish room with several large setups (400,300, 270, 240, 200,100,90,45). These tanks ranged from high tech planted setups, breeding ponds,discus,rare plecos, freshwater stingrays and asian arowana, to fowler and mixed reef setups.
Over the past 6-8 months I have shut down every single tank as I am moving into a condo.
When I move into the new place in March, I will be setting up a modest 90 gallon cube reef with a 70 gallon sump, and dual trimless 11 gallon (seagrass bed in one,freshwater planted in the other) nano setups.
One good thing about being tankless this past half a year is that I've been saving about $300-$400 a month that I was spending on just simple maintenance, not to mention livestock,equipment purchases and hydro savings.
I can't wait to start spending again.