A few times. I ran fw from when I was 8 years old till 3rd year UBC. Stopped because between school, gf, & working in the summer, no time & no $$.
First live seahorses in 81' till 83' (died when no more live brine shrimp for 6 weeks).
Ran sw FOWLR from 84' till 88' and stopped because of school. Real KISS setups with no skimmer, crushed coral, undergravel filters & HOB Whisper2 filters. No problem keeping a 108g with a Snowflake moray, Smooth Horn shark, Passer King angel, & even a Moorish Idol (beginner's luck). Also had a 33g with a 14" handfed Volitan Lion which stung me when I was not looking.
No fish tanks for a decade or so.
Then I worked on fish farms feeding up to 3.5 million salmon smolts so didn't want any fish tanks. Started up again in 2001 when I moved back to Vancouver. Been keeping fw & sw ever since.
First reef tank the same week (2002) I took Irene to see Finding Nemo. Countless $$ & trips to the LFS later, I'm up to 500+g of sw & 65g cube fw goldfish tank.
If you see it, can take care of it, better get it or put it on hold. Otherwise, it'll be gone & you'll regret it!