Thread: Bit of a Vent
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Old 10-29-2007, 04:15 AM
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Default Bit of a Vent

Just wanted to say a couple of things.

I have noticed more and more complaints about the cost of things in this hobby...I can't really place blame as I was one of those ranting a couple of years ago when I got into this hobby.


First, I must say that personally, I definitely run at a loss..I know that for a fact, I have lost over $ 10,000 this year alone trying to give people the prices that I do.
Maybe now that my dollar is worth more when I buy from my supplier, I may actually break even.
I personally do what I do because I enjoy this hobby and I like helping people out.
However, If I needed to suport my family off what I sell, I would definitely have to increase my at least double to what I sell for to make a decent amount of money...
So when I look at the stores that do charge more, I can actually understand why.
I really don't see many fish store owners driving around in new cadillacs or BMWs...and if they do, good for them...
(my limo company bought my escalade and my town car..definitely not the fish)
these supposed merciless companies that people rant and rave about aren't making millions...they are trying to make a decent living.. and so they should as they put everything on the line to start up a business and hope it works.

you know what, if you wanted to be cheap, you picked the wrong hobby...and if you don't like it, get out of it..or buy from the states and see the headaches that can sometimes come with it.

I honestly don't know how places like Golds, J&L, OA's and hidden reef are actually able to keep their doors open with the great prices they offer and it must be strictly pure quantity that keeps it going....(great job you guys and please keep it up)...they have very similiar prices to those of the states.

Most online stores in the US don't have the costs of a actual store and most of them drop ship as well...this greatly reduces the costs of things and allows them to reduce the prices.

if you think that our price difference is bad, go to europe...everything costs twice as much there as it does here.

different prices are charged for different things around the world..that is just the way it is.

so personally I say, enough is enough.
we all have our own reasons for buying where we buy.
if you don't like it...go somewhere else..
then when the local stores close down because they can't afford to keep their doors open, then I hope you like to deal with US fish and wildlife and their fees to bring the livestock across the border along with the hardware.

We all spend thousands of dollars on this hobby and yet we complain because a fish is 10.00 more in one spot more than the other.
to me, it is starting to be more about the quality that I get...than the price tag.
and I certainly know now, after a couple of years of doing this, why some store charge what they do (maybe they just want to make a living after all).
but what the heck do I know?
Way too much time and money has gone into this hobby....and yet, I CAN'T STOP