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Old 10-29-2007, 12:25 AM
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woodcarver woodcarver is offline
Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: MILL BAY
Posts: 164
woodcarver is on a distinguished road

Interesting thread. In a free society it is possible and perfectly moral to sell at " what the market will bear " . Competition usually controls excessive profits ( we could do with a bit more in the banking sector ! )
What is unusual, in this situation is the HUGE difference in prices accross the border.
Most of us would understand and accept a difference say of 10% - 15% due to varying market conditions ,but when a camera that retails for c$ 585:00 can be purchased over the line for U.S.$330:00( C$ 320:00? )something is seriously out of whack. A RETAILER in Canada could buy RETAIL from the U.S. ,pay all duties ,brokerage etc.and still have room to sell here cheaper and realise a healthy mark-up...........................
We can only ,as suggested by the consumer advocate in Ottawa ,vote with our feet and buy where the price right. I am perfectly happy to pay a few more dollars but suck the lemon on nearly double the price !
The above being said ,we out west are served very well ,particularly in Vancouver and the Island by our local stores with variety, and friendly, freely given advice which is impossible to put a price on.


Last edited by woodcarver; 10-29-2007 at 04:45 AM.
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