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Old 10-28-2007, 04:53 PM
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cichlidguy cichlidguy is offline
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Default complete 33 gal s/w for cheap cheap!

well i have a complete 33 gal s/w that i have had now for roughly 4 months but it is starting to get a little bit of green hair algae and i dont have the time or money to try and combat it as my fiance is a full time student and i am trying to support us both! so i figured i would sell the tank to someone who has more time to work with it and make it as nice as it should be.

The set up is a standard 33gal drilled, with corner box overflow...which then leads to a 25 gal bowfront sump( only tank i had at the moment) the sump is a DIY skimmer, a 300w submersable fluval tronic heater and a Becket brand pump which is rated for 600gph at 5ft of head. as for the lights there are two GLO brand T5HOballast's which are powering 2 24w 18k glo bulbs and 2 24w Atinic Glo bulbs. If u need more light the 24w's can be switches out for 39w bulbs if needed.

Live stock consists of 1 true perc, a coralbanded shrimp, a peppermint shrimp and between 5-6 hermits and 5 snails.

The sand bed is about 1.5'' deep and i have roughly 25-30 lbs of live rock but im not exactly sure how much.

if u are at all interested pls phone me at (403) 795-2399 as i am not online much.

Looking for a quick sale, the first $250 offer will take it, thats less then what i payed for the lighting alone so i think its a pretty good deal.
full tank shot

box overflow


true perc

coral banded





DIY Skimmer at work(without cup on)
35 gallon fresh water grow out tank

Looking for 110G or larger.

Last edited by cichlidguy; 11-01-2007 at 09:18 PM.
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