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Old 10-28-2007, 06:47 AM
trilinearmipmap trilinearmipmap is offline
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Prince Rupert B.C.
Posts: 1,213
trilinearmipmap is on a distinguished road

The prices ought to be somewhat higher in Canada for the obvious reasons: shipping costs, brokerage fees and fewer economies of scale. A reasonable cost differential might be 10% to 20% above U.S. prices, anything more than that seems like gouging.

As far as retailers selling stock they bought months ago with a cheaper Canadian dollar, I thought most retailers paid their suppliers 60 or 90 days after they received the goods. I am not in retail so if I am wrong here someone correct me.

If there are retailers in Vancouver who give in to demands to match U.S. prices please let us know who they are.
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