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Old 10-28-2007, 04:33 AM
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Matty Matty is offline
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k.. so I am not going to play around with it too much.. I am sure someone out there is laughing at me for not getting this..

K.. so the venturi tube is pushed all the way down.. like it said.. if I losen the knob around it it foams up in the middle chamber.. if I tighten to the knob in stops the foaming.. spritz. On the same note.. there is a lever that you can turn back and forth that controls water flow and intake.. if I open it all the way up.. it shoots out a stream of bubbles into the tank..if I close it up.. not so much bubbles. I assume the knob around the venturi controls air intake..

Are the bubbles in the tank bad.. it just looks blah having them in there lol not very sea like.

So for now I have the venturi all the way down.. and the water flow thing is half open so no bubble stream in the tank.. but no foam/spritz action in the middle part of the chamber. It says I should wait a day.. so I will see what happens.. I should mention that it is a hang on model.

Rio needs to include better instructions lol!
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