Are you serious about putting the picture up to the tank so that the clowns will learn to host? Almost makes me worry cause my clown was in my tv room across the tv.. who knows what kind of stuff he learned on tv.. gosh I knew I shouldn't have watched those Saw Movies..
Sadly my clown has passed on after 5 years. I am one day considering getting another one.. in a small tank.. what is the real difference of the tomato's.. besides colour? I have always thought that the Maroon coloured ones were beautiful.. I had a Percula.. orange and white.. old fashioned clown
Could a clown live happily in a 12g? Mine was in a 30g.. and he swam around a lot.. even rode the currents of my powerheads that would spin him around my liverock.. he was like a kid at the waterslides.. he would spin around on the current.. then swim back to a powerhead and do it all over again. He seemed happy.. it was funny to watch.