Due to changes in work circumstances I will be traveling frequently and for extended periods and so can not keep up with the maintenance of the tank. The set up is an Oceanic 29g bio-cube but the top is not used and instead has metal halide lighting. The hood is still there and the buyer will take it also. Here is what the system includes:
UPDATE (NOV. 10): I am ready to part out. Obvioulsy the livestock needs to go first, then the live rock then the rest.
- 29g Oceanic bio-cube plus matching Oceanic stand
$350 NOW $320
- 175W metal halide (Standard ballast, reflector and cables
with a DIY canopy/stand) plus 3 month old Iwasaki 15K (best 15K bulb)
- Tunze 9002 Nano skimmer (bought 2 months ago from JL) [color="Red"]$100[/COLOR
- Aquasafe RO/DI unit 100GPD, barely used (got it new last July). [color="Red"]$90[/COLOR
- Hydor Koralia 1 power head [color="Red"]$15[/COLOR
- 31 lbs live rock (Fiji and Jakarta)
$120 for the lot, or $4.2/lb (min 10lbs per purchase)
- Fish: 1 percula (tank raised), 1 pygmy angel (C. flavicauda), 1 yellow watchman goby
$40 for the three **SOLD**
- Corals: 1 green frogspawn frag, 1 anchor frag,
$35 for both **SOLD**
- Invert: 1 GBTA
$15, 2 cleaner shrimp
$20 both,
2 red hermit crabs
Free with any live stock purchase if we can find them
Also included are some 5 Salifert test kits (light usage), foods and additives, IO salt, jugs
$50 **SOLD**
I will only sell the whole set up and therefore will not part out. I have to sell before next Thursday as I am traveling on Friday. Otherwise I will try to sell again when I come back a month later.
The system cost me more than $1,300. Asking $800 obo.
Also available and can be sold separately (but after the set up is sold) is an Aquasafe RO/DI unit, barely used (got it new last July). $90
Please PM me if interested.