Livestock for sale
Must sell moving
2 x 2.5" Clarki Clowns $15 each or $25 for pair obo
1 x 3" Regal Tang $45 obo
1 x large Devil's Hand $20 obo
1 x small yellow Devil's Hand $15 obo
1 x small colony Green Digitata $20 obo
1 x 7" 4 stock Gorgonia $20 obo
1 x 6 head Green Frog Spawn $40 obo
2 x Green Hairy Mushrooms $10 obo
1 x Coral Banded Shrimp $10 obo
1 x Brittle Star $8 obo
1 x rock with Christmas Tree
Geen Mushroom, Anthelias $20 obo
1 x rock with Bullseye Mushrooms
small Christmas Tree $15 obo
1 x Large Green Star Polyps $35 obo
Mixed Live Rocks $3/lb
Misc snails and Crabs $1.25 each
33G black silicone Hagen tank $30 obo
10G sump 29'w x 12"d x 6'h $20 obo
Ameriacle cc air driven skimmer $35 obo
3 shares of Deion Resins from
Ryland $25