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Old 10-26-2007, 05:29 AM
fmelindy fmelindy is offline
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: St. John's, NL
Posts: 60
fmelindy is on a distinguished road

haha..... no man, I wasn't waiting by the computer for responses, honest!

and you're right on all counts there, by the way!!!

Yeah, I had a feeling that the recirc skimmers were efficient and the way to go, just have no experience whatsoever with them.

As far as setting everything up goes, I've already had my first disaster - yeah I'm off to a great start.... I overtightened the overflow bulkhead and cracked the nut, leading to the dumping of the 94 gallons of water onto the stand/floor. Yep, I'm feeling like a real pro in the disaster category! Remind me why I do this again? I'm sure you're reminded of why you got out of the hobby....
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