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Old 10-25-2007, 05:51 PM
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kwirky kwirky is offline
Join Date: Jun 2006
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kwirky is on a distinguished road

consider the thermometer you're using and where it's located. If it's black, and almost directly under the lights at the top, it's going to heat up like mine did.

I was using a little digital thermometer that was black. It was reading sky high temperatures when it was in the main tank where the light is because the black color was heating up under the lights.

I put a glass thermometer in the tank and moved the black digital thermometer to the sump. I found both temperatures much lower and pretty much the same.

I was panicking about having to get a chiller for my T5 tank but was pleased to find my temperatures were fine all along.
Everything I put in my tank is fully dependant on me.

Last edited by kwirky; 10-25-2007 at 05:51 PM. Reason: usual punctuation errors
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