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Old 10-24-2007, 02:56 AM
pinhead pinhead is offline
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: North Vancouver
Posts: 104
pinhead is on a distinguished road

Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine "The Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine is a non-profit research institute established in 1980 to conduct basic and applied research in subjects immediately applicable to increasing the quality, quantity, and length of human life"

Not an accredited university. Not a scientific journal. Looks like they work out of a barn.

Of the "faculty" members.
Martin Kamen died in 2002
Bruce Merrifield died in 2006
Fred Westall is a biochemist and the others are chemists, physicians and a veterinarian.

Its president Arthur Robinson " an eccentric scientist who has a long history of controversial entanglements with figures on the fringe of accepted research. OISM also markets a home-schooling kit for "parents concerned about socialism in the public schools" and publishes books on how to survive nuclear war.
He publishes a`: "pro-science, pro-technology, pro-free enterprise monthly newsletter packed with information and comment on science, technology and energy and on those who would restrict your access to it."

These are the people you are getting your information about the climate on.

Look at for the comments of scientists who actually work in the field including climate

Originally Posted by Quagmire View Post
Peer reviewed scientific paper and petition.


From this site

This and other papers are why I'm on the fence.
- Show me other papers you base your conclusions on.
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