This is the sort of stuff that drives me crazy. Where do you get your information? Show me the peer reviewed scientific journals that say the evidence is not definite that man-made greenhouse gases cause global warning. Don't repeat stuff that you have heard on websites, radio, newspapers and magazines.
The scientific method is the process by which we develop knowledge about the world around us. Since its development our knowledge of science and the application of that scientific knowledge in the form of new technology has changed our lives in ways earlier people could not even dream about.
It is a very organized process that starts with a hypotheses, testing of that hypothesis through experiments and collection of data and arrival at a conclusion. That conclusion is sent for publication in a journal and accepted and published if there are no flaws in the methodology. The knowledge is shared - even negative results.
This process is understood by scientists but not by many members of the public.
It is not based on opinion. It is not based on the public perception at the time. It is not a debate.
Read the two links I posted above - especially the second one talking about some public fallacies. Better yet, read some of the scientific journals.
Don't accept what Gore has to say or what the naysayers say.
Do some research yourself.
BTW. The oft repeated information about Al Gore's energy consumption in order to discredit him is from the Tennessee Center for Policy Research which claims to be "an independent, nonprofit and nonpartisan research institute" but in fact has a president who is linked to National Taxpayers Union and the American Enterprise Institute which are in fact funded by Philip Morris Tobacco and by "big business and the promotion of free enterprise" respectively. (
Gore's home does use 12 times more energy than the average Nashville home but is 4 times larger and houses his business offices as well. Electricity is purchased through the "Green Power Switch program which generates power through solar, wind and methane gas" (
Do some research for yourself. Don't accept what others are repeating.
Look at what the climate scientists are saying.
Originally Posted by trilinearmipmap
To me the evidence is not definite that man-made greenhouse gases cause global warming. There is evidence that greenhouse gases possibly or even probably cause global warming, but not that they are definitely responsible.
Unfortunately there has been an Orwellian type of approach by the global warming crowd. Like Al Gore claiming that "the debate is over" and anyone who opposes the global warming theory is either a right-wing conspirator or some kind of a nutcase. Instead of using science and reasoning to back up their position, the global warming people are trying to intimidate people into agreeing with them.
By the way I read that Al Gore's mega-mansion consumes 10 to 20 times as much energy as the average American home. That is really talking the talk but not walking the walk.
Even many of the scientists whose names are listed on publications supporting the global warming theory have disagreed with it. They have asked their names to be removed from global warming consensus statements and their requests have been refused.
For science to work properly there has to be a free and open exchange of ideas and opinions. Without freedom of expression and freedom of thought, science is dead. Kind of like the church putting Galileo on the rack for claiming the earth goes around the sun. That is what Al Gore and his global warming crowd are doing. The real tragedy would be if the global warming theory is true, and Gore and his crowd through their intimidation and propaganda tactics discredit the very theory they are trying to promote.