There are many different schools of thought on BB vs. DSB, It seems that most hardcore SPS keepers prefer bare bottom so they can crank up the flow in the tank without having a sandstorm.
I like the look of sand and have it in my tank but in my next tank I am going to go bare bottom. I just find that my water is never clear because sand is always being kicked up and floats in the water.
It has also been said that a sand bed needs to be regenerated after a period of time becuase it ends up being a trap for nitrates and other bad elements. I think though if you have a good cleanup crew and a sandsiftings stars or sleeper gobies to keep the sand turned often you should eliminate any of this risk.
I've had sand in my tanks for the past three years and it has never caused me any real problems, in the end it's a decision you need to make for waht suits your future stocking plans.
- Greg
90G : Light - Tek 6xT5 | Skim - EuroReef RS135 | Flow - 2xVortech MP40W | Control - Reef Keeper 2