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Old 10-18-2007, 03:17 PM
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Tom R Tom R is offline
Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Surrey, BC
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I feed once a day. I mostly feed a combination of Ocean Nutrition mini pellets one and two. I use about a pinch and a half and I sprinkle them in very slowly to ensure they are eaten before they hit the bottom. I will use flakes or a mix of mysis, shrimp and blood worms once a week. I do feed a mini spoon of cyclopeze and reef roids about once a week for the filter feeders. I spot feed my anemones every couple of days as well. I feel my tanks are very well established and the fish, crabs and shrimp must work at finding their own dinner. Anyone who has seen my tanks will know that my fish are anything but starving. I feel that this is because the ON pellets are a complete meal and by mixing the formula one and two you give the fish a total variety.

Tom R
My Tank Setup

Last edited by Tom R; 10-19-2007 at 03:46 AM.
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