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Old 10-18-2007, 05:21 AM
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Delphinus Delphinus is offline
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Yeah, I'm reading they can get pretty big! I had no idea. These guys are about 3.5", maybe 4" head to tail.

So far I'm feeding them crickets, and some kind of icky wormy things you can get at Petland. Apparently you have to be careful what you feed them, like, the crickets can't be more than 2 weeks old and superworms need to be decapitated because they can bite and chew their way out after being swallowed. So no superworms!! But trying some wax worms (moth caterpillars) since they're apparently high in fat and these guys could use some bulking up. Although one of them won't touch worms, already seems ot have developed a preference for crickets.

The one sucky thing is that every now and again I find an escapee cricket.

The one upside though is that I've always wanted to get into dart frogs, and just hadn't ever gotten around to it because I thought feeding baby crickets would be a hassle. Now that I'm doing it anyhow at the moment it wouldn't be much of an incremental step. Now to convince the wife. Yeah, yeah, it'll be a good educational exercise for our toddler! Yeah yeah!
-- Tony
My next hobby will be flooding my basement while repeatedly banging my head against a brick wall and tearing up $100 bills. Whee!
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