I defrost 3 cubes of mysis & 3 cubes of bloodworms each day & feed that to all my tanks. 40% goes to my 210g main reef, 40% goes to the 120g fowlr & 20% goes to my 90g seahorse/frag tank (mainly mysis). I also feed Irene's porcupine puffer 3+ krill/day & the snowflake moray a full tiger prawn over the span of a week (2 small pieces every other day till its all consumed).
In the main tank, I have a blasto/featherduster/suncoral corner & its also near my elegance & flowerpot collection. In that corner I will squirt in a small amount of rehydrated frz dried cyclopeeze, Reefroids, Coral frenzy, spirulina powder mix. Usually equal to a fifth of a turkey baster.
Every day or every other day, the main tank will get 2/3s a sheet of nori & the fowlr will get 1/3.
Wow, when I write it all down, it seems overwhelming. No wonder I almost never go on vacation.