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Old 10-17-2007, 10:27 PM
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Tyson Tyson is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Calgary S.E.
Posts: 126
Tyson is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Delphinus View Post
Thing is, I'd consider Riverfront and Gold more "central" than anything. Yes, by the map, Gold is in the south. However, it only takes me 5 minutes more driving to get to Wai's than it does to get to Gold's. So to me it doesn't really feel all that "south". Porthos I asssume you live in the north, I don't think you'd say that otherwise

To be honest, I really did enjoy Big Al's previous location. It was close to work, close to home, I could go there for a quick boo and be back home inside of an hour. I can't do that to any store anymore except for Elite. And ... well .. short of M.O., guess who gets most of MY business? Sorry, location being convenient is a BIG factor to me nowadays. Before I had kids and I had lots of time to spare, I didn't mind driving all over the wazoo. Now with small kids at home, no ... not so much. So .. yeah, I don't think I'm being unreasonable feeling the way I do. And if you think I am .. well .. tough, I'm not changing my opinion!! Well .. actually, no. It's not an opinion. It's fact. From where I live, it's inconvenient to get to the north (or "north-esque") stores. It takes a bit of planning and juggling things around to do it. I realize it's not this way for everyone, and that's cool. But that's how it is for me.

I feel the same way, when i was single and liveing at my parents place it was easy is to go kill a day driving around looking for stuff(not just reef stuff). When big al's left and i got married my time became costly, but i still find time to pack a lunch and journey to the north dispite my wifes objections. It's the reef madness that compels me to go.

Last edited by Tyson; 10-19-2007 at 04:09 PM.
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