Originally Posted by Delphinus
I didn't know maricultured pieces had serial #'s. That's wild. I've never seen it. Where does it show up, is it engraved or is it a tag?
How long have you been using reefresh now?
Yeah me neither, I discovered it by accident the other day when I was pulling a snail off that had attached on the underside making it tip. It is a tag that was glued on. The date is 17/12/06 so I assume that is when they put the frag back into the ocean to grow out. I need to check my other pieces to see if they have it too. Tony check the maricultured pieces you just got a while back, A.hoksemai & A.abrotanoides, they have the same kind of base and are likely from the same original supplier.
I started using reef-resh in Jan 07.