Currently my photoperiod is 10 hours but I'm considering shortening that. I've got an assortment of snails for a clean up crew and a tuxedo urchin but I've only had them 3 days, so they haven't made much of a dent yet. I have 2 picasso clowns, & 2 cleaner shrimp. I feed twice daily, as much as the fish will eat in 2 minutes, which isn't much. I'm considering getting a sea hare or 2.
How do you "crank up" a skimmer? I have it running with the foam level where they suggest (half way up the collection cup), I'm not sure how to make it run better. I am going to get a phosban reactor. I'm doing weekly water changes, 10-15%. Is that enough or should I do more?
I am removing the algae manually, as much as I can, every couple days. It just keeps coming back.