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Old 10-15-2007, 09:26 PM
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Melina Melina is offline
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Location: Terrace, BC
Posts: 73
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Default algae in new tank

My tank is 1 1/2 months old, and currently there is a huge bloom of green filamentous/hair algae on all the rocks, the glass, everywhere. I hear that an algae problem is a sign of something wrong with the system, ie., too many nutrients, phosphates, etc. Then I read that such an algae bloom is normal in a new tank, and just a part of the cycle? Is this bad, or normal? Should I be worried? What if anything should I do? I only use RO/DI water, my nitrates are <5. I was thinking about getting a phosban reactor. What are your experiences with green algae in a new tank set up? How long can I expect this to last? It looks so unsightly.
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