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Old 10-13-2007, 10:19 PM
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Default Eco friendly idea

I have been wondering about how us hobbiests could be less intrusive on the wild livestock myself.

I have also been wondering (and I know the retailers won't like this at all) if we were all to work together as a co-op somehow and have some kind of Non-profit store that could support itself including staff, rent maitenence and the other big ones it takes to operaate a for profit business.

Things to consider would be:

Monthly overhead to operate... how does the lease obligation get met every month.

Who would be the Co-op Manager. (Maybe Anthony would be happy to covert his entire operation into the Grand Co-op for a monthly salary) Just kidding Anthony.

If this was logistically viable... could it operate with low enough prices to make it worth while. Some retailers may only getting 20% average margin.

If they are making 100% margin then it may make sense.

The more probable solution is to operate a consignment (commision) type of exchange that was connected all through out NA via Can Reef type of Board and physical locations and a portion of the proceeds could go into supporting safe collection type of organisations.

For this to work a large network of retailers would have to be willing to take on a consignment type of business in their existing location. This would mean seperate quarantine facicilties and they may not be willing to sign up to such a program.

There has to be a way though.

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