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Old 10-12-2007, 01:13 PM
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Pan Pan is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Didsbury
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Pan is on a distinguished road

Any step towards a more eco=friendly tank is welcome in my opinion. The only problem being very few fish are captively bred. Corals more so, but few fish are. If they had a buy-back trade program with reefers out there with fish and corals it would be beneficial. I think education would have to be an important part of the mix though. For instance, convinve people to buy mostly base rock and seed with some liverock or preferably use aquacultured liverock. It takes time and its more trouble (sometimes) but if everyone used 1/4 to a 1/2 less wild stuff the better. It can only benefit in the long run. Maybe buy liverock from local reefers going out of business so to speak. but it cheap (not to cheap as to not make a profit) then sell it back say 50-75 cents to a dollar more a pound. The problem with eco-friendly is for the first little bit at least it is more expensive, and in a hobby that most i think would consider a luxury hobby, price goes a long way. I do for instance pay more for eco-friendly or go out of my way when I can, but alas not always....having ideals in this day and age is quite expensive.
I once had a Big tank...I now have two Huskies and a coyote

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