Thread: tank recovery
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Old 10-12-2007, 03:25 AM
fishguyxd fishguyxd is offline
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Default tank recovery

Well since I have had the tank crash from an alk overdose and misintturpt info I want to know where do you start from here. My alk is still 240 ish ppm from a crappy test kit my Cal well is super low < 20 ppm and ph is at 8.6 so
Salitity is 1.021 what to do??
Do I add anything but that's what got me in dodo last time or do I let it get worse ? and if I do add something what?? for calcium or ph? I have did some small water changes to bring the alk down. but nothing for the others?

inquiring mind wants to know.
only 25 gal & (6 bulb, t5's fixture & 30 gal sump with small fuge
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