The sump is 45Lx20x20. Primary drains and skimmer in first compartment. Refugium is second compartment. Third compartment will hold extra mechanical filteration and secondary drain. Return pump will be in sump after secondary drain and filteration. The secondary drain will be used for eliminating excessive flow in refugium. both drains will be 1 1/2".
300 Gal 6x3x28 high Starphire peninsula w/external herbie/bean animal hybrid +150 Gal custom sump with 30gal fuge section, (both built by Concept Aquariums Calgary), 3x Ecotech Radion xr30w g2's(soon to be G3 Pros), Jebao DCT 12000 return pump, 2x Jebao RW 20 powerheads, Tunze Ato, Vertex ro/di, Reef Octopus Ext 200 skimmer run internally.