WavySea for sale
I have a slightly used WavySea (Black) for sale. Works great!! I've redone my tank and don't have a place for it anymore. Comes with MaxiJet 400. You can sea how it works at www.wavysea.com
$150 firm.
I'm in Burlington, Ontario if you wish to pick it up.
125gal Reef with Fish, 40gal sump, Reefmania calcium reactor, MH, UVH, Moon, Aquazone plus 100, Auto Topoff, CoraLife 125 skimmer, GHL Profilux computer & special effects lighting.
Fish:Coral Beauty,Yellow Wrasse,African Clown Wrasse,BiColor Anglefish,Banded Goby,Psycodelic Mandarin Goby
Inverts:Long-spinned Urchin,Crowned Urchin,Feather Dusters,Fire shrimp,Banded Shrimp,Brittle Star
Corals:Cup Coral,Frogspawn,Pink Open Brain Coral,Yellow Dot Zoanthid,White Tree Coral,Leathers
Last edited by Bulltrader; 10-11-2007 at 01:33 AM.