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Old 10-08-2007, 05:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Zylumn View Post
That was a great deal for 380. If you want to get away from low ball offers use the words firm or no offers taken. I have made low offers when I feel I don't need the product immediately and am looking for the future. If I don't get it it is no real loss to me but, there are times when my low offer is accepted. Whether its a good deal or not that person might have only had 150 dollars and was hoping for the best. Simple, clear, concise instructions eliminate confusion.

Yeah, I have no problem with the offers of $250 or so that I was getting, not going to sell that low but I understand. It was the offers of $200, $150 and the one guy who thought it would be a good "trade" for his 65G that was worth "way" more because it was drilled.

Im not opposed to offers at all but I guess I just got really tired of it all. I had four people agree to deals and then either never show or cancel that day. I felt like this was a good deal for $380...Everything is like new besides the PC light which is really just thrown in as an extra anyways.

Oh well...Its on its way down to storage in the next few days.
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