Noticed a couple dessicated salamanders in my window well, guess they must have fallen in there looking for a spot to hibernate. Went to clean them up and found about 14 dead salamanders under the rocks. Most of them were dead but in a clump of about 8 all huddled together two were not dead.
I haven't seen a tiger salamander locally in something like 20 years, and now I find a whole pile of dead ones.
Unfortunately the two survivors are likely not long on this earth, they're pretty dehydrated and emaciated. I'm going to see if I can rehabilitate them, it's not too much effort to go buy some mealworms and crickets for them.
Boy I feel kinda bad that my basement window well was basically a tiger salamander graveyard

It's so weird, why mine? My neighbours window well 4 feet away has none that I can see. Weird.