Just wondering what your final PO4 value was? I was using Salifert and Nutrafin and having problems interpreting the results. I then bought the Merck kit and thought my PO4 was somewhere between 0.015 and 0.03. The Hanna meter is showing 0.04 twice which may explain the recent increase in algae in the tank.
300 gal starphire custom built in pentagon reef (+90 gal sump on Blue Line 100 HD return pump, 210lb LR, Euro-Reef RC250 skimmer, 2x400W MH, 2x28W compacts, 2xTurbelle classic 4002 pumps & Turbelle Stream 6100 on 7095 Multicontroller, running ZEOvit)
Fish: damsels; sailfin, yellow, regal & naso tangs; ocellaris & tomato clowns; lyretail anthias; foxface lo; flame angelfish
corals: a few