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Old 10-07-2007, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Canadian View Post
You might want to consider just getting some ABS fittings for the 90s, 45s, tees, caps, etc. as long as it's not going to be a pressurized system. Bigger sized ABS is easy to find an cheap and you can glue it to the PVC with transition glue. I order the rest of my fittings from Andrew Sheret's at a wholesale discount so I can't help you out on cheaper places because I never shop anywhere else.
Yeah I was going to go ABS with the fittings because Home Depot has them all in the right sizes and cheap. I even bought the PVC/ABS transition cement already. I also had planned to use the ABS inside my tank because I like the black colour. I may still go this route.

As for Andrew Sheret, do they sell to the public? The lady I spoke to on the phone said not PVC stuff. She claimed I had to buy large amounts. This is the one Near Broadway and Main. They seem to have terrible customer service too. I called about three times on different days and they said they would call me back and each time, never did. I had heard they were good though...
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