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Old 10-07-2007, 05:32 AM
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fkshiu fkshiu is offline
Join Date: Sep 2005
Location: Vancouver, BC
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fkshiu is on a distinguished road
Default 165 gallon system - back from the dead (just in time for Halloween!)

Some of you may recall this happening a few months ago:

After much hand wringing I sprung for a new 72x24x19 Seastar (about 3" taller than the old tank). I couldn't go any taller because of the height restriction in my basement, but I did get an external overflow which has been worth every penny in added space:

As some of you may recognize, this overflow also allowed me to utilize the infamous "Herbie" overflow setup. The legends are true about this thing - simple and dead silent. No more messing around with Stockman's and Dursos anymore!

And since I have developed a bizarre fetish for PVC plumbing parts, here's the underside of the overflow with unions everywhere (sort of like living in BC)

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