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Old 10-06-2007, 03:42 AM
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Default LF-Plumbing Fittings and Flex PVC

I have had a ridiculously hard time finding 2" PVC fittings. Im looking for a Gate Valve, 90's, 45's, unions, male adapters, ect. ect. Also a bunch of the same in 1.5".

I also need just a few feet of 1-1/4" Flex PVC and a few unions, 1-1/4 ball valve, ect.

Anyone know where I can get just a bit of Flex PVC and not have to buy a whole bunch???

The problem for me right now is that I have no car, so something in vancouver is way easier for me. If its too far away or out of the way, I can't really get a ride out.

Anyways, anyone have anything to sell or a name of a store IN Vancouver?


PS. Someone buy my 90G so I can pay for all this plumbing stuff!!!!!!!
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